San Remo

San Remo Beach is the site of the Mandurah Surf Life Saving Club.

San Remo

Beach Patrol

Mandurah Surf Life Saving Club conducts patrols of San Remo over weekends and public holidays between October and April each year. For further information regarding patrol dates and times, visit

For up-to-the-minute information about beach closures and safety advice, follow us onĀ twitter.

Ongoing Hazards

Heavy Shorebreak

Flash rips

Beach Erosion

The beach extends from the northern Wade Street groyne, where it is called Watersun Beach, due north for 4 km, with the San Remo development occupying 3 km of the shoreline and now connected to the Silver Sands development.

My Beach

The beach receives waves averaging about 1 m, which maintain a reflective to at times narrow low tide terrace beach. A foredune reserve of varying width, then road and houses back the beach. There is good access at the central car park, which has a picnic area, playground and toilets.