In 2016, Jet Skis were recognised by SLSWA as being a standard item of patrol equipment and were made available for use by clubs in club patrol activities. Whilst not considered mandatory patrol equipment, they have now been introduced by the majority of clubs into patrol activities to extend services outside the flags and improve the resources available to patrol teams.

Members of the Woodside Jet Ski Teams will typically be involved in providing patrol services at their club location and water safety services in association with club activities.

These teams are managed by each club, including responsibility for the service roster of each team member.

In 2016 jet skis were recognised by SLSWA as being a standard item of patrol equipment and were made available in club patrol activities.

Does your club have a Woodside Jet Ski Team?

Participation by WA surf life saving clubs in the Woodside Jet Ski Program is optional, meaning that your club may not currently have jet skis, however this does not prevent you from being involved. If your club has a jet ski team talk to your club Director of Lifesaving and register your interest in joining your club team.

If your club does not have a Woodside Jet Ski Team, please contact the SLSWA Lifesaving Department who will assist you with alternate training and endorsement options in conjunction with teams outside of your club.

Entry Requirement

Recognition as a SLSWA endorsed Jet Ski operator

Skills Maintenance: Per season, operators must complete

At least 11 hours of service time and a 2 hours of logged training time per annum; or

Undertake Jetski annual skills maintenance checks and demonstrate proficiency.

Please contact the SLSWA Lifesaving Department on 08 9207 6666 for further information regarding the application and selection process