The Emergency Response Teams are an elite service that may be called upon at any time to operate in potentially life-threatening situations, often in extreme and hazardous conditions. The teams operate within a regional space and are managed by, and report directly to, SLSWA.

Emergency Response Teams are currently based at the following geographical regions:

Regional: Esperance, Great Southern, South West, Peel, Mid-West

Metropolitan: South Metro, North Metro

The Emergency Response Teams are an elite service that may be called to operate in potentially life threatening situations.

To join an emergency response team, operators must demonstrate extensive experience and elite skill level. These members must commit to ongoing training and skill development; biennial skills maintenance; have a desire to mentor others into a team; and must be on call in accordance with designated rosters. In return they will develop invaluable leadership, lifesaving and life skills; and participate in unique experiences facilitated by SLSWA and in conjunction with other emergency response agencies such as the WA Police and their elite SCUBA teams.

Entry Requirement

Participation is by invitation from SLSWA only

At least 50 hours of logged service/training hours

Skills Maintenance - Logged, biannual participation in:

Rock rescue

Submerged body recovery

Hazardous surf searching and navigation

WAPOL training initiatives “Supporting Police Divers” & “First On Scene Incident Controller training”

Please contact the SLSWA Lifesaving Department 08 9207 6666 for further information regarding the application and selection process