WA Surf Boat Carnival 1

Coogee Beach Coogee Beach, Coogee, Western Australia, Australia

Surf Boat Rowing is one of the corner stones of Surf Life Saving, creating thrills and spills for competitors and spectators alike. This year sees the return of Surf Boat action to five Surf Boat Carnivals. Entries Entries are not yet open Teams Clubs are to compile teams through SurfTec from entries made by their […]

Fuel to Go & Play Nippers Carnival 1

Coogee Beach Coogee Beach, Coogee, Western Australia, Australia

Our Fuel to Go & play Nipper carnivals are an opportunity for Nippers to showcase their competitive skills against members from all clubs/regions. These events are targeted at U10-U13 age groups and include beach relays, flags, board and surf events. This event is proudly supported by Healthway promoting the Fuel to Go & Play message. Age Categories U8 & […]

I am a Surf Life Saving Club and would like to submit an event for inclusion on the calendar.