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23 . 09 . 2022
SunSmart Youth/Open Carnivals
These carnivals, which typically include water and beach events, encourage members to develop the necessary competitive skills to enable racing at a higher level in our championship series events. […]
23 . 09 . 2022
SunSmart Nippers Carnivals
Our SunSmart Nipper carnivals are an opportunity for Nippers to showcase their competitive skills against members from all clubs/regions. These events are targeted at U10-U13 age groups and include beach […]
23 . 09 . 2022
SunSmart Little Nippers Carnivals
Our SunSmart Little Nippers Carnivals provide a fun and encouraging introduction to surf sports competition for our U8 and U9 age groups. The events will include swim, board, sprints and […]