My Beach

Scarboro SLSC’s Chris Kuster originally started out as a clubbie at Broome SLSC 26 years ago. This year, Chris was named SLSWA’s Trainer of the Year for his passionate, dedicated involvement in surf lifesaving at a club, state and national level.

In the 2016/17 season, Chris spent over 87 hours training others, while also finding time to attend conferences and professional development workshops to ensure his own training was at the best possible standard.

We spoke to Chris to find out a bit more about him and what surf lifesaving means to him.

How would your friends and colleagues describe you in one word?

When and why did you join surf lifesaving?
Being a new arrival in Broome, it was the perfect way to meet a cross section of the whole community in an instant and to enjoy Broome’s best assets – its people and the beach!

What do you do outside of surf lifesaving?
Go to the beach!

Tell us about your club, Scarboro SLSC.
Scarboro is etched in the very fabric of surf lifesaving history, but there is an air of anticipation as we await new club rooms and get excited for the Aussies to be held on our beach in 2018

What is your favourite beach in WA and why?
Blossoms Beach via Bremer Bay for the colour of the water, the rugged coastline and the amazing surf.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
Cure cancer

Q. What is your favourite song or movie?
A. Cat Stevens – Father and Son

What is the funniest memory you have from your time with surf lifesaving?
When Father Christmas arrived by IRB to the screams of the expectant hoards, he stepped into the water too soon and lost his pants in the surf.

What is your favourite joke?
Pretty much any dad-joke.

Q. If you could speak to everyone in the world at the same time, what would you say?
Be nice to one another and look after the environment.

What values has surf lifesaving taught you?
Teamwork, camaraderie, strength and resilience.

What are your plans for Surf Life Saving for the next year?
I was recently appointed Chair of the WA Alumni Group so will be looking to raise the profile of the SLSA National Leadership College and past college and masterclass participants.

As a trainer and assessor, to continue helping others attain their Bronze Medallion, to assist new trainers and assessors on their journey, and continue to assist in developing patrol captains.

What is one piece of advice you have for younger members of surf lifesaving?
Surf lifesaving has so much to offer – it’s there for the taking. Just get involved.