Lifesavers on patrol tower watching over beach

While Surf Life Saving Western Australia (SLSWA) reported a drop in coastal and ocean drowning deaths across WA this summer, with plenty more hot weather still on the cards over coming weeks, they are reminding beachgoers to remain vigilant about their safety around the water.

Since 1 December 2022, tragically, five* lives have been lost due to drowning. While this is a decrease from last summer, SLSWA says it remains too many.

SLSWA services have performed more than 250 rescues since the start of the summer,” said SLSWA’s Lifesaving Manager, Cam Robbins.

“This demonstrates the importance of these services provided to beachgoers in WA – each one of these rescues could just have easily been a life lost.”

All of these drowning deaths were males between the ages of 44 – 89 years of age and all occurred at unpatrolled locations.

With 100% of all summer coastal drowning deaths across Australia occurring at either an unpatrolled area, outside patrol hours or outside the red and yellow flags, Robbins says the message to beachgoers remains simple – swim at a patrolled location between the flags.

“Our lifesavers and lifeguards will continue to deliver patrols across WA beaches for weeks to come, and we encourage anyone heading to the beach to seek out a patrolled location and swim between the red and yellow flags.”

Beachgoers are encouraged to download the free BeachSafe APP or visit to find their nearest patrols and information of how to stay when visiting the coast.

And for those that do find themselves at an unpatrolled location, STOP and check where you are, LOOK for hazards like rips, large waves or rocks and have a PLAN to stay safe before entering the water.

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* Disclaimer: The data presented in this media release is as of 5pm, 2 March 2023. These numbers, which have been collated from multiple sources, are preliminary and subject to change as case investigations occur during the coronial process.