Quinns Rocks Beach

Quinns Rocks Beach commences at the end of the 10 m high calcarenite bluffs that extend 500 m north of the Mindarie beaches.

Quinns Rocks Beach

Beach Patrol

Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club conducts patrols of Quinns Rocks Beach over weekends and public holidays between October and April each year. For further information regarding patrol dates and times, visit beachsafe.org.au.

For up-to-the-minute information about beach closures and safety advice, follow us onĀ twitter.

Ongoing Hazards

Submerged Objects

Heavy Shorebreak

Beach Erosion

Drop off

The beach continues north for 950 m to the tip of the foreland where a low 100 m long attached rock breakwater has been constructed.

My Beach
My Beach

The beach faces southwest but is protected from high waves by the offshore reefs, with waves averaging 0.5-1m at the shore.

These produce a relatively narrow steep reflective beach, with a narrow bar and rips occurring when waves exceed 1 m.

The beach is patrolled by Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club, which formed in 1982.

Beach Information

Swimming Info

A beach enclosure has been installed at Quinns Beach.