Geraldton Back Beach

Geraldton Back Beach (WA 1081) is the site of the Geraldton Surf Life Saving Club and is patrolled on summer weekends and by lifeguards during the week. The beach begins at the Southgate Dunes and runs northwest as Tarcoola Beach for 4 km.

Geraldton Back Beach

Beach Patrol

Geraldton Surf Life Saving Club conducts patrols of Geraldton Back Beach  over weekends and public holidays between October and April each year. For further information regarding patrol dates and times, visit

For up-to-the-minute information about beach closures and safety advice, follow us on twitter.

Ongoing Hazards



Shallow Sandbars

Large Unexpected Waves

Strong Currents

Littoral currents

Flash rips

Shallow Water

Uneven Ground

Beach Erosion

High surf

It then swings round to face south by Separation Point, with the last 2 km called Back Beach. This can be a very hazardous beach as it's exposed to southerly ocean swells with waves averaging over 1 m.

My Beach

It can occasionally reach 2 to 3 m on the more open Tarcoola section where they maintain a continuous bar cut by rips every few hundred meters.

The southern and Back beaches sections are a little more protected with a usually continuous bar free of rips with two small patches of reefs also along Back Beach.

The Club was founded in 1930, following the development of a swimming club in 1918 and Swimming and Surf Life Saving Club in 1926.

The original clubhouse was lost to beach erosion and demolished in 1967. The present club sits in a large foreshore reserve on Mahomets Flats between Tarcoola and Back beaches.

The Brand Highway parallels the beach 400 m inland, with several access points and car parks along Glendenning and Willcock drives which back the reserve.

Beach Information

My Beach

Swimming Info

This is an exposed and at time rip dominated beach so be careful if swimming here. Swim at the surf club and in the patrolled area.

Surfing Info

There are numerous beach breaks the length of the beach with the larger waves along the northern part of Tarcoola Beach.