Cable Beach

Cable Beach commences on the north side of Gantheaume Point where it initially faces north before swinging round to trend due north for 6 km to terminate at the scattered sandstone rocks that separate it from the northern beach (waK 20).

Cable Beach

Beach Patrol

Broome Surf Life Saving Club conducts patrols of Cable Beach over weekends and public holidays between May and October each year.

For up-to-the-minute information about beach closures and safety advice, follow us on twitter.

Ongoing Hazards

High Tide Range

Submerged Objects

Heavy Shorebreak

Cable Beach deserves its reputation as one of the world’s top beaches. The wide clean white sand, usually low easy surf, warm water and long warm dry season, together with an abundance of room on the beach (at mid to low tide), excellent tourist facilities on the backing bluffs, and adjacent nude beach, all provide for an idyllic beach environment.

My Beach

The beach narrows to 20 m on a spring high tide, widening to 300-400 m on the low tide. The beach receives waves averaging about 1 m, higher when summer westerlies blow. The waves are usually higher at high tide, decreasing at low tide owing to the shallow seabed off the beach.

It is largely backed by a low foredune and moderately active sand dune that extend up to 300 m inland and have climbed up on top of the backing red bluffs, to reach a maximum height of 30 m.

There is access to the beach at the point, with the main access at the northern end where there is a car ramp. Numerous activities including surfing, swimming, camel riding and wind surfing are available along the beach.

On the bluffs immediately south of the ramp, is a grassy park and car park, then the surf club, with the main resort and tourist facilities all located on the eastern side of the road. The surf club was founded in 1988 and sits atop the bluffs with an excellent view across the beach.

Beach Information

My Beach

Swimming Info

When using all beaches in the northwest of Australia be mindful of the large tide range, which can reach 11 m at Broome. Always check the tide before using the beach. A rising tide can flood cars and belongings left unattended on the beach, while low tide requires a 200-400 m long walk across the sand to the water , and more chance of encountering rocks and reefs. The best time to swim is either side of high tide.

STINGERS: The stinger season is from December to April, so take care if swimming during this period. Lycra swimming suits are advisable and always check with the lifeguards if unsure.

Surfing Info

There is surf at Cable Beach and along the exposed beach to the north. While it is usually 1 m or less it can reach 2 m with westerly winds, and even higher during tropical cyclones. Again be aware of the tides as the size and location of the breaking waves will change considerably between high and low tide.